05 October 2009


I have returned from my travels to Munich, Venice, and Rome. (We were supposed to go to Florence as well but a rampant illness took hold of Mary, Stepho, and I so we skipped out on that day trip) Many updates to come later today about adventures at Oktoberfest and in Italy!


  1. So glad you're back and hopefully feeling better! Being sick is bad enough, but being sick on vacation is aweful!!!

  2. so glad your back. everyone misses you.

  3. Hey girl! Happy Birthday!!!-so anyhow I already wished you happy birthday via facebook, and it's actually past your bday in Germany but still the 6th here. I decided to buy you something when I see you next month rather than send you a present....I was thinking of giving you money towards the Madrid trip. I am in Stamford Connecticut for a wrk meeting until tomorrow-needless to say you are having more fun than I am, but at least they pay for my food and we had a really yummy Japanese dinner tonight. I bought my ticket to Frankfurt. I get in on delta at 9:30 sat morning the 21st and go back on the 30th at 11ish. Anyhoo, David decided to meet me in Paris and then travel to Madrid or I will just meet him in Madrid where e has secured the 3 of us a free apt for the whole week. I figured you would come for thurs-sun and then you and I will fly back to Frankfurt together Sunday. We need to finalize logistics sometime soon but no huge rush-he is going to Paris and Madrid cause he aha a place to stay there and can get a 83 dollar flight instead of the 550 dollar flight to Frankfurt. Anyhow, I hope you had a great birthday and we all miss you-let's decide another time to skype now that you are back!
