21 October 2009

Mom's visit Part 1- Rothenburg ob der Tauber

So mom is the most amazing mom in the world and came to visit me last week! We went to a little walled town straight out of the Medieval age called Rothenburg ob der Tauber. It was the cutest German town I have been too yet, and despite the cold weather (and snow!), we really loved it!

We arrived in Rothenburg after a short train journey from the airport in Frankfurt and checked into the most charming hotel I have ever been a guest at. We had a grand four post bed with a nice mattress (much more comfortable than the one in my dorm/flat...) and a big bathtub where I even got the luxury of enjoying a bubble bath! The hotel is right on the city wall so they have a little courtyard and it was all quite lovely and hospitable. 

We visited the gothic style church of St. Jacob. The church had magnificent wood pieces and it is rumored that the most famed one in the church, done by Tilman Riemenschneider actually contains a drop of Christ's blood...perhaps unlikely but interesting none the less! After the church we putzed around the city and went to a giant Christmas store. Rothenburg is famous for being a town of eternal Christmas as many of the Christmas shops remain open all year round! We really wanted to buy some Christmas linens for decorating mom's house, but they were a bit too pricey...but so pretty! We also walked a good portion of the city wall which protected the town during Medieval times. There were many different levels of the interior of the wall and you got a very nice view out onto the city and the surrounding areas out the slight viewing holes. We then ate a fantastic dinner and mom is now a big fan of schnitzel...she ate it all weekend long! 

The evening was spent taking what the famed Night Watchman tour of the city. At 8 o'clock each evening a very tall and ominous figure meets tourists in the town square and takes us around the city. He is a very theatrical and entertaining guide and we learned a lot about Rothenburg's history and such. We also purchased his DVD so hopefully that will be equally entertaining and enlightening. From Rothenburg we travelled to Neuschwanstein to visit some very famous and stunning castles...

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