21 October 2009

A little note about "Schneeballen"

If you ever go to Rothenburg, do not get sucked into buying the treat known as a "schneeball" or "snowball"...Mom and I bought one of these round doughy treats thinking it was going to be like a tasty donut ball dipped in various things (strawberry yogurt, chocolate, powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar, chocolate, coconut...all sorts of delicious things...) but boy were we wrong! This treat, which is apparently quite famous and has half a dozen shops in Rothenburg built around it was super dry and crunchy fried dough ball that was not very tasty at all! Even after eating one though we continued to stare at them in amazement wondering if perhaps we had just gotten a bad one because they look so luscious...but we did not dare make the same mistake and buy one again. So here's to Rothenburg's very tasty-looking but not so tasty-tasting treat!
A very cool dog spotted outside the "Schneeballen Shop"

But it looks so good?!?!

Mom testing it out

Pretty confused about getting tricked by the pastry into thinking it was a delicious donut-like treat...
Yet they still look soooo tasty...

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