17 November 2009

Paris Day 2: Super Tourist Attractions

Day two started with a frustrating trip to the Paris East train station. We were trying to book reservations to Amsterdam and the clerk informed us it would cost 52 euro for us to go. And since reservations are usually onle 4-10 euro, we decided paying that much more was not worth one day in Amsterdam, so we agreed we would go back to Amsterdam another weekend and would instead travel back to Frankfurt the next day. 

After canceling our hotel in Amsterdam and getting our reservations to Frankfurt, we set off to find the Arc de Triomphe, then went to the Eiffel Tower so that we could go up to the top. This involved a lot of waiting in various lines but was worth it for the view from the top! After the Eiffel Tower, we had lunch and went to the Notre Dame. After which we set out to find what Jenae's friend told us is the best ice cream in the world. We were told it was near the Notre Dame and had a yellow sign...alas we could not find it and headed to the Louvre. 

The Louvre is free on Fridays for people under 28 from 6pm-10pm. So we went and did a whirlwind trip through the Louvre. It is far too big and confusing to have any idea where to go, but we managed to go through the Egyptian wing, found the passageway that used to be the royal residence's moat, saw the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, and the Victory of Samothrace and pondered the works of David and Delacroix  when we got tired and bored in a room full of large scale French paintings. Though we were both a bit "museum'd out", the Louvre was very beautiful and I am glad to say I have went. I wish that I could have visited the Musee d'Orsay and the Rodin museum as well, but 2 days in Paris is just not enough, plus one can only look at so many museums without getting delirious. 

After this we went to dinner at (of all things in Paris) a Mexican restaurant. Everything was really busy because it was a Friday night, so we went to the first place that had room for us and sounded good and reasonable priced. Reasonably priced was still pretty expensive for American standards I think as I ate some $20 fajitas but alas, upon being fed and a bit more walking around we were content to return to our hostel and leave Paris the next morning. 

Part of the Louvre

Inside the Egyptian temple

Paris at night

Inside the Notre Dame

Beware of pickpockets at the Eiffel Tower!

From the top of the Eiffel Tower

Croquette Madame...yum!

I watched people playing soccer from the top of the Eiffel Tower!

A super realistic wax figure in a scene recreation in the Eiffel Tower

The Eiffel Tower

We thought we would look more French if we wore hats and ate baguettes...(secretly we wore hats because we hadn't showered because the hostel was nasty and ate baguettes because we were hungry and they were cheap!)

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