17 November 2009

Paris Day 1- The Moulin Rouge and Eiffel Tower

So after Versailles we made our way to our hostel, which I can safely say is the worst hostel we have stayed in yet. It consisted of 3 sets of bunk beds in a room that smelled quite pungent. You had to walk outside through a courtyard to get to the bathroom which had no lights and hadn't been cleaned in who knows how long. And the roof had holes, so because it was raining, everything in the bathroom was wet. So that was quite unpleasant...needless to say we did not spend much time here, basically only sleeping.

After finding our hostel and throwing our bags down we set out to obtain some much needed food and to see a few sights. We ate at a little restaurant where we fell in love with a sandwich called a "Croquette Madame" which was basically a super glorified egg mcmuffin...a piece of bread with ham, cheese, and a fried egg on top served with salad. And they have free tap water in France, yay!! After dinner we went to see the Moulin Rouge, well just the outside. It was much less impressive than I would have imagined it and I'm not quite sure why I thought it would be bigger, better, and more exciting...and then we went to the Eiffel Tower which was magnificent at night! There is a light show and the tower light up for 15 minutes flashing different colors and patterns and twinkling. It was quite beautiful. After this we headed back to our seedy hostel to lay our heads down for the night on the foam pads (yeah, they were not even mattresses)...

Jenae and I in front of the tower

During the light show

More lights!

The Moulin Rouge

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