24 November 2009

Jeff in Germany!

Just wanted to drop a quick line to let everyone know that my brother Jeff made it to Germany with no problems. We spent the past weekend in Belgium eating chocolates, exploring Brussels on bikes, eating mussels in Brussels, and took an afternoon trip to a town called Brugge which is considered the "Venice of the North". Jeff went to Amsterdam on Monday and I came back to Germany for classes and the first speaker event that my one class has been working on planning and promoting. Jeff had a great time exploring Amsterdam and got to see Darmstadt today. Tomorrow while I am at class, Jeff is going to go check out Heidelberg and go to the castle there and we will meet up at the airport to head to MADRID!! I am very excited, I was supposed to go to Spain back in highschool but our trip was cancelled due to heightened terrorist alerts, so now I finally get to go! Jeff's best friend David, who is fluent in Spanish and has been to Spain before, will meet us in Madrid so hopefully it will be much easier for us to navigate and we won't get sucked into any not worthwhile tourist activities. I will have my laptop in Spain so we will try and put some pics up from Brussels and Spain while there. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving, I am very sad I don't get to eat any Turkey this year. Luckily, both of my families tend to cook a similar Christmas meal which I can gorge myself on turkey and stuffing!! Less than a month until I am headed home with a world of awesome travels under my belt, a load of new friends,  and bags full of souvenirs!! Tschuss!

1 comment:

  1. Have fun meghan. Talk to you soon. Love mom sop
