19 November 2009

Koln and the Schokolade Museum

Because I am procrastinating/a bit stuck on my manatee project and have half an hour to kill before dinner plans, I will write a brief update about my recent trip to Koln (or Cologne). Jeff and I are off to Brussels this weekend and Spain next week, so there might not be an update until things settle back down, so enjoy this post about chocolate in the mean time ;)

After being depressed about not making it to Amsterdam, we decided it would lift our spirits to hop a train to Koln for the afternoon to go to a chocolate museum we had heard about. The chocolate museum was pretty much the only thing we did in Koln other than eat some rubbery chicken and walk around a bit to see the old town and the giant church right outside the train station.

The museum was working in connection with Lindt (aka the makers of the delicious truffles we all know and love). And we got to see a ton of chocolate memorabilia including posters, packaging, and old fashioned vending machines as well as recreations of old candy store counters (think WIlly Wonka style). There was also a tropical forest inside the museum where they were growing cocoa plants. It was quite hot, actually STIFLING, in this area and the air was crazy thick and hard to breathe. Luckily we were only trapped inside for a few minutes!

The most interesting part of the museum was the room where they were making Lindt candies. They were making tiny chocolate bars, truffles, and the large molded chocolates (think Santas and hearts 2 feet tall) and there was a chocolate fountain in this room with free samples of wafers dipped into it! The chocolate fountain was not your typical wedding chocolate fountain, but much thicker milkier chocolate, the same kind they were using to coat the truffles and make the mini chocolate bars! There was also a store selling all kinds of weird chocolate products including tons of Lindt truffles I had never seen before and chocolate noodles...Here's some pics for your chocolate enjoyment:

Delicious Lindt Schokolade in the making!

That poor boy isn't getting any chocolate! I would cry too!

That creepy knome on top of a cabinet is actually an old vending machine!

There was even a glass elevator, Wonka Style!

Truffles in the making

Chocolate fountain

Welcome to the jungle

A giant Lindt truffle

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