10 September 2009

Weekend in Frankfurt

taken from my tumblr 09.06.09

Hello USA!

The last few days have been super fun in Darmstadt (and in Frankfurt!) On Friday we took a language test to prove that I do not indeed know any German! After which, we went to town to get internet cables and other assorted things like money and pastries…which my new friend Jenae (who is from California) and I are obsessed with a place called “Back Factory”. I would describe this to you as the TIm Hortons of Germany, dirt cheap but tasty as all get out. The apple turnovers are quite a treat! After this, we went back to Karlshof (our dorms) and made dinner. We were feeling quite tired after a long day of trudging around in the cold raininess so we decided not to attend any of the raves/parties going on in the dorms and instead went to the market to buy some chocolate and a bottle of wine. We bought three different chocolate bars, and there was a clear winner, one in purple package which was very smooth and filled with delicious chocolate mousse. I am determined to know which chocolate is the best by the time mom comes to visit. (Which by the way, everyone is excited to meet mom and Jeff as I have told them all about you! And mom, there are some requests for you to bring some treats from the states, which I will update you on later)

On Saturday we took a city tour of Frankfurt, which is quite a big city about a 35 minute train ride away. It is a very pretty city with lots of stereotypical “big city” things as well as “germany” motifs running through it. We walked all through the city and got to walk through a flea market that was going on. (which will probably be where souvenirs will be purchased as it is cheaper than the specialty shops) We all ate sausages too, which if anyone was wondering, Germans really do eat a lot of sausages and big pretzels (which I thought was a stereotype but seriously there are sausages and pretzels everywhere!) 

We also went to a little square in the town that was having an “Apple Wine” festival, which was the cutest thing in the whole world! It was in a square flanked by buildings done in classic German architectural styling. There were people wearing the traditional costumes (St.Paulie’s girl-esque) and music too! We tried the apple wine, which was okay, and is apparently something very famous to this region in Germany. We got a chance to get to know our tutor better, her name is Liz and she is super fun and nice. 

After the Frankfurt tour, we went out to a dance club in Darmstadt. The dancing is really different here than in the states at clubs. The people kinda dance with themselves and dance really crazylike, and don’t worry so much about grinding up on people and such. So it is a really good time, with lots of laughing and goofy dance moves which is right up my ally as I have no rhythm! 

Today (Sunday), I went back to Frankfurt for the re-opening of a big art museum there. I was pretty groggy from a week of no sleep and lots of chaos, so we didn’t stay at the museum too long. There were a lot of nice pieces there, an exhibit on Edvard Munch and one on Botticelli as well as a few pieces by Degas, Monet, and Matisse which are always a nice treat to see. After the museum, we made our way back to the cute part of town where the applewine fest had been the day before in search for some gelato. We then proceeded to get very decadent gelato sundaes which were quite delicious and ridiculously expensive, but hey we are only here once! We went in a few shops to see some really intricate hand crafted toys and trinkets which were very cool. 

I think I am working to wean myself off of diet coke…(good luck, I know) But it is seriously expensive here, almost $3 for 1 liter!! No refills or anything of the sort, and no public bathrooms so when you have to pee you have to pay! I seriously think the people here must be crazy dehydrated because they drink coffee only and cannot go to the bathroom anywhere! It’s crazy. But the diet coke here isn’t as delicious as back home, tastes more like coke zero/coke that is trying to be more like regular…can’t coke just accept that I like diet coke for diet coke?!?!

I think that is about all for now, I start my language course tomorrow. Hopefully the days will have more sleep and less craziness in the time to come. Please email me, I love hearing from everyone! Hope all is well in the states and GO BUCKS!


p.s. Some things never change…people here are already making fun of me/telling me I am a soccer mom because I always have snacks in my bag…they are waiting for the orange slices…

Miss and love you all!

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