10 September 2009

Darmstadt, the Beginning

taken from my tumblr 9.3.09

Hi all!

It has taken a few days to get everything up and running here in Germany, but I finally have a connection to the outside world! The plane trip was long, as I have never flown abroad before and the ride was just like in the movies, with food and movies to watch and everything! Arriving at the airport was hectic and confusing as ever, but we made it to where we needed to be and got into our rooms just fine. 

My room is a flat with 6 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, and a kitchen. It is a bit dirty and everyone knows how OCD I am so it sort of drives me nuts-o. I have met some of my roommates but it is different than the US, because the people in the rooms get switched around all the time and people do not request to live with certain people but rather just look for flats with an opening. 

I will spare you from having to hear the details of most of what I have been doing because it is mostly diplomatic boringness, like registering and paying lots of $$$ and just tell you some of the more fun and interesting things. 

Day One: Went into the city with Jackie (one of the other OSU students here), and two students from Portugal: Ines and Jon. We ate gyros (how german, I know) and walked around the city. There are no bathrooms in public here which is quite annoying, and all the water is seltzer/mineral water, you have to specify you want “pipe water”. I also got to see a little lake in town with slides and lots of people swimming, so if it is warm next week we will go there.

Day Two: We went on a nice tour of the city which was presented in English, because everyone speaks some English here. The other students in our section are from Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, and Turkey and they all speak quite a bit of English, and sing in English which brings me to day 3…We went to a karaoke bar! We drank some German beer and cider and sang a bunch of American songs. It was quite amusing and fun. I sang sweet home alabama and spice girls!

Sorry to cut short, but I do not know how to save and edit a post later and I have to go meet some people to cook some dinner! Until next time…



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